Everyday Systems: shovelglove: message 63 of 649

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Subject: I almost did shovelgove
From: lee33183
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 2004 12:12:48 -0000
I almost did shovelglove. 

Since I am a closet NOS my husband doesn't know about my task. I 
guess when I finally succeed I will come out. I have been exercising 
but thought I might try to shovelglove. We have a sledge hammer in 
the barn so I brought it into the laundry room and wraped it up with 
a towel and thought I would use it when he isn't home. Then I 
panicked! Would if Joe finds it hiding in the laundry room. He will 
think I am planning to do him in. How do I explain it???

I took it apart and then snuck it back to the barn. Back to the 
weights and walking for awhile. Thought you might think this was 

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